Tuesday, March 4, 2025

America I See You

 A gloved fist knocks on the door. 

"Federal agents, open the door."

Someone opens the door and sees a group of men in black combat fatigues with the letters ICE emblazoned front and back. 

"We're just here to check on your documentation and all who reside on the premises".

We firmly assure you there are no Jews I mean  undocumented migrants hiding in the cellar.

So do we all believe what's happening today?  We are going through the biggest upheaval in geopolitics since an actual global war. And that was settled with nukes!

After six years of world war fought brutally over land, air, and sea that saw millions die,  America stood over the humbled Japanese and said "Who's next?  Who else wants to challenge America?"  

Apparently, there were a few takers like Cuba, Vietnam, and Libya just to name a few. 

For the next seventy years though, big strong America has your back -as long as you let them in to do business.

If you didn't?  Well, you must be communist and don't believe in capitalism.  Maybe we need to be talking to someone else. Hey CIA, get us a more pro-American, I mean pro-business president for this shithole country.  

That was fine.  At least America got to observe and approvingly declare that it witnessed a fair and free election. And America gets to talk to someone more pro-business, I mean pro-freedom. Isn't that the same thing anyway?

Business as usual until 2016 when the Americans elected a TV star as president (with significant meddling from the Russians).  They voted him out in 2020, which he tried and failed to insurrect.  But  then in 2024 they elected a convicted felon and sex offender. TV star and also former President, but with an even more impressive resume which now includes porn-star fucker and insurrectionist.

So the Americans decided to give Donnie another shot at it because, uhm life was better four years ago? I mean what can be more American than being given a second chance?   

Maybe this time he'll come through for us and we won't be conned.  

You gotta believe me.

These are my documents!  You gotta believe me Mr ICE officer, sir.

Which dystopia are we living in now?

The international community is aghast at the realisation that , NO, America hasn't got your back

America wants your land, your minerals, and access to your markets but tariffs your products. America is in it for America only.

You cannot trust Uncle Sam anymore,  he will take your wallet, side with your enemies, and deny you protection.  

Our dystopia wasn't created by robots, zombies, or aliens.

Turns out it's Nazis.  Who would've  guessed?

ps. And I give credit to my graphics team at Leonardo.Ai for their images above using the prompt "a dishevelled but defiant Uncle Sam on the foreground with a flaming desert backdrop showing smoking ruins in the horizon" Wouldn't  let me use mushroom clouds as the AI guardrails won't allow depictions of violence, and I wholeheartedly agree. Isn't it refreshing to find AI that's more sensible than some humans?