Just for the record, Easter of 2020 was strange the world over and for all of us deeply personally strange. Some of us have built traditions around Easter eg. going away, attending religious ceremonies,music, festivals camping, BBQs, egg hunts, etc. And for the first time, an annual excuse to get together with loved ones had been banned. Social distancing has become social isolation.
My Picasa on Google keeps remionding me of "this time two years ago (or five) and of course it was always one of the above. I felt sadness for all the people who have been hanging out for the Easter break, only to have their plans cancelled on account of it being deemed non-essential travel. It has come to this, if I am stopped on the road, I have to provide a legitimate reason for being out and about. Just out for a drive doesn't cut it. Buying medicine and groceries is legit. Excercise is legit, leisure is not.
I look back on my camera roll and realised that I had missed the point of the Easter celebrations. For Christians, it is the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, however this has even deeper roots where earlier religions have celebrated the time of spring as a rebirth, a return to life after the barren winter, also a celebration of fertility and growth.
Spring signals a renewal of the environment. I kind of missed that because we are at the opposite of spring right now. The leaves are turning and the days are shortening. Mother nature is making ready for her winter break. The woods are beautiful, and my damn girls are complaining and asking if it was time to turn around and walk home.